Goon's World Extras

Friday, June 26, 2015

Grand Forks Herald Letter: The truth: UND, system officials wanted the name change

As you have nave noticed, I have been scanning the Grand Forks opinion page. Like one of my Facebook friends suggested, I am actually surprised that the Herald Editorial staff approved this letter. This letter was too big to post in it's entirely, so I posted the part that makes the point. Thoughts?
(Read the whole article at the Herald) That does not mean restoring the name and image. It means for the university and university system to tell the truth.

We faced so much deceit and deception for seven long years at the hands of the state's higher education system. We were not fighting the NCAA as much as the state's education system. We would have stopped fighting at any time if they were honest enough to say that they were the ones—not the Sioux—who wanted the name changed.

As they stated in four different courts, "the Sioux mean nothing." The Sioux fought hard and long for truth, honor and justice.

Choosing a new name without first telling the truth is just adding to the disgrace that has taken place at UND for more than seven years. The vast majority of alumni, North Dakotans and Sioux tribal members hold honor, integrity and respect at their very core. Sadly, the university administration today believes in none of that.

Cline is correct that in 2012, the state primary was 2-to-1 in support of dropping the name and image; but in January 2011, the citizens voiced their support by a 17-1 ratio.
As I wrote yesterday. This is why we must reject the Sundogs name. As long as the Sundogs name is still alive, there's a chance that UND ends up with this stupid nickname. A majority of UND fans, Students and Alumni reject this nickname.

In addition to the many good reasons Mario Solis presented in his recent letter to the editor for selection of the name Sundogs for UND, add this one: UND appears in the middle of the name—sUNDogs. I like the idea!
(Letter to the editor)

Margaret Williams,

Grand Forks

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