Goon's World Extras

Monday, June 01, 2015

Fargo Forum Letter: Dakota nickname could spell more trouble for UND

Oh boy. So, it continues. Here's the latest head-scratcher, this time it's a letter to the editor from the Fargo Forum. No matter what nickname UND comes up with, someone is going to be angry and offended. For the people that are confused, Nokota is a wild horse that roamed the plains. A simple google search would have cleared that up. Also, all of the signees for this letter to the editor are employees of NDSU.

Anne Denton --- In The Forum’s May 26 online edition, you included the survey “Vote for your favorites in our UND Nickname Challenge.”

It is with sadness that we see “North Dakota” emerging in a leading position. It was a commendable act of respect to name our beautiful state after a large group of its residents.

Using the same term as a nickname for sports teams is bound to cause problems similar to those of the previous name.

When the term “Sioux” was selected as the UND nickname, there was insufficient awareness of how disrespectfully groups of sports fans can treat a nickname in the heat of competition. If “Dakota” were used in slurs, the situation would be no better.

Other problematic candidates include Nokota, which sounds similar to Nakota, and Night Riders, which has racist connotations. We recommend having a representative group of American Indian delegates meet with the task force early in the selection process.

Also signing this letter are: Alan Denton, NDSU Professor, Yagna Jarajapu, NDSU Professor, Denise Lajimodiere, NDSU Professor, Melanie Nadeau, NDSU Administrator, Melissa Olson, NDSU Staff, Claudette Peterson, NDSU Professor, Larry Peterson, NDSU Professor, Birgit Pruess, NDSU, Brandy A. Randall, NDSU Professor, Kelly Sassi, NDSU Professor, Gary Totten, NDSU Professor, Pearl Walker, NDSU.

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