Goon's World Extras

Friday, June 19, 2015

AP: Wisconsin school district bans American Indian team logos

Chicago Blackhawks
And some have said it will never happen here, right? Here my prediction, come the lawsuits. This school is a perfect example of how our country is being ruined by political correctness run amuck. I really hope that these people are really happy with themselves.
MADISON, Wis. — Sports fans may have to leave their Blackhawks, Indians or Redskins gear at home if they plan on entering a Madison public school next year.

Starting this fall, public school students in Wisconsin's capital city cannot wear shirts, hats or other items that display the name, logo or mascot of any team that portrays a "negative stereotype" of American Indians. Those who do must change or face suspension or expulsion.

"The existence of these mascots destroys our self-esteem. The existence of these mascots shows us how people really think of us," Gabriel Saiz, a junior at Madison West High, told the city school board in May shortly before it voted unanimously to adopt the policy.

The district's dress code says a list of prohibited logos and mascots would be made available before the beginning of the school year.

The move comes some two years after Gov. Scott Walker signed a law that made it harder for the state's public schools to drop tribal nicknames. The measure was prompted by officials in a handful of Wisconsin cities who refused to part with mascots such as the Chieftains and the Indians after the state Department of Public instruction ordered them to drop the monikers. Previous state law allowed the state agency to launch a hearing into each race-based nickname with a single complaint. Current law requires a petition to trigger the hearing.
Shall we review the first amendment of the American Constitution again?
Amendment I  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Finally, in case anyone forgets, the Blackhawks nickname was meant to be an honor to the 333rd Machine Gun Battalion of the 86th Infantry Division during World War I. This Division was nicknamed the "Blackhawk Division" after a Native American of the Sauk nation, Black Hawk, who was a prominent figure in the history of Illinois.

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