Goon's World Extras

Sunday, May 10, 2015

'Hab' or 'Hab' Not? That is the Question

by Redwing77

Well, my Wings are eliminated and the questions surround their head coach prevail, but that's not really news.  What IS news is that Tampa Bay is on the verge of total collapse.


Game 6 is HUGE.  Why?  Because I truly believe that Tampa has ZERO chance at advancing if the series goes to seven games.  ZERO.

For this reason, Game 6 is must watch.

The series has been  a roller coaster.  We've seen Carey Price play like he's the most overrated overhyped goaltender in NHL History and then, next thing you know, he's invincible.  We've seen Bishop play above his head, and then suck in such epic fashion that you wonder how he even got a pro contract.  And the Montreal power play?  Maybe that's the key to the whole thing.  COMPLETE NON FACTOR in the first three games.

In fact, one may argue that the Montreal Power Play benefited Tampa!

In any case, apart from that, I think the only other item that jumped out to me in this series is that Andrej Sustr is a hot-headed liability.  Montreal's power play is back running and Carey Price continues to be epic, so Tampa Bay isn't going to be able to take careless penalties anymore.

My prediction?  I still believe Tampa can finish Montreal off.  But I'm not betting on Tampa beyond Game 6.