Goon's World Extras

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Daily News: Tom Brady will be suspended by Roger Goodell

Any one have a prediction on how long of a suspension that Tom Brady will receive? I have seen were some want Brady to be suspended for the whole season. That would be pretty harsh in my opinion.
Gary Myers, New York Daily News -- Tom Brady will be the highest-profile player ever suspended in the 96-year history of the NFL.

Roger Goodell’s decision is expected to be announced next week, and it is no longer a matter of if the NFL commissioner will suspend Brady, but for how long he will suspend him.

In conversations I’ve had with several key sources who always have a good sense of what goes on at 345 Park Ave., there is little doubt that Goodell considers Brady’s role in DeflateGate a serious violation.

The NFL is convinced, according to sources, that connecting all the dots of the evidence supplied by Ted Wells leads to one conclusion:

Brady cheated.
Finally, are we to believe that the New England Patriots are the only team that cheats? I hardly think so.

According to Myers who talked to multiple sources, Tom Brady is going to  receive a two-game suspension. It also looks like the Patriots are going to be fined $250,000.00

Deflated balls or not, does anyone think that the result against the Colts would have been any different. I am not condoning cheating, but the Patriots beat the Colts 45-7. DeflateGate or not, the Patroits were a better team than the Colts.

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