Goon's World Extras

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Adrian Peterson has two Choices

In the never ending, sad, saga, Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer spoke about the team's awol, star running back today. Shall we say that he has options, Peterson can play for the Vikes or he can sit on the sideline. In a nut shell, the spoiled brat can honor his contract or not play in the NFL at all. I think this is awesome. Bravo coach Zimmer.

I am sorry, I just don't feel sorry for AP, he made this mess, not the Vikings. In my opinion, the Viking did nothing wrong, Adrian Peterson did. I am tired of these athletes that act poorly in their private lives and then turn around and act like he's the victim. You make 10 million dollars a year to play a kids game. You abused your child, you should be banned for life. If I was the commissioner of the NFL you punishment would have been harsher than what you received.  (Link to the evidence)
Conor Orr, NFL.COM -- Now that the draft is over, so is most of the trade speculation surrounding Vikings running back Adrian Peterson.

Both sides have spent the offseason digging in their heels for what looks like a bitter tug-of-war with no ending in sight.

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And on Wednesday, Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer drew a line in the sand.

"He's really got two choices: He can play for us. Or he cannot play," Zimmer told the assembled media at offseason workouts.

Peterson, of course, has not made himself available for any of the Vikings' voluntary offseason workouts so far. Zimmer also added that Peterson gave no indication as to when he'll make it up north and put his old uniform on again.

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