Goon's World Extras

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Maxim Lapierre is a Fraud

This is the kind of shenanigans that disgusts me. It should disgust other NHL hockey fans as well.

There's no way around it, Maxim Lapierre of the Pittsburgh Penguins is a fraud and a disgrace to the game of hockey. Lapierre should be ashamed of himself after this lackluster acting job that drew a power play. If I was a GM in the NHL I wouldn't employ a player like this.

If you watch the video you will see that  Dominic Moore of the NY Rangers barely touches Lapierre. These are the kind bush-league moves that should warrant a suspension from the NHL.

The Rangers forward Moore was incorrectly given a two-minute minor for roughing. I hope the Rangers sent a tape to the NHL, for further review. The on-ice officials in this game should also be upset because Lapierre made an ass out of them. I also think that the Penguins head coach should be given a fine for this bravo sierra.

1 comment:

  1. Smart play to draw a penalty. Nothing that anybody should waste any amount of time crying about.
