Goon's World Extras

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Redwing77 Rant - Pet Peeves Edition

by Redwing77

Ok, I need your advice ahead of what I'm about to say so... if you have been to any hockey games USHL level or higher and can chime in with similar or dissenting stories, I'd appreciate it ahead of time.  And, once again, bear in mind that this is MY opinion only and isn't to be confused as being expert advice or official statements by any organization whatsoever.

I LOVE hockey and I understand completely what arenas and league officials are trying to do, but what's with selectively ignoring the rules?  Here's a few examples:

Please be respectful...

At Ralston's Arena (home of the USHL's Omaha Lancers), I sit in a section that has almost a constant flow of people returning to their seats well after the puck has been put in play.  Now, to be absolutely clear, this isn't the people who are just getting to their rows as the puck drops or are waiting for lazy people to get up so they can pass.  I mean, they've had the puck in motion for a good long while when they start down the stairs to begin with!

Why?  PLEASE tell me this isn't the only venue where they make an announcement regarding this practice (saying it is not to be done) the arena staff ignores their own directive!

I have some ideas as to why this occurs, such as the overwhelming desire by said officials to watch the game instead of ensuring that their job is being fulfilled.  Likewise, there is a desire to avoid ALL conflicts regardless of whether or not it will be heated (especially if there is kids involved).

Is etiquette only situational?  Is there some sort of policy in place for such awfulness?

I get that they are trying to be accommodating and friendly to every attendee regardless of their level of passion for what is going on at the event, but COME ON!!!!

Genderized Music Selection

This may be JUST Ralston Arena related but...  It seems to me that, if you were to make a flippant comment about a hockey game in eras past, you'd say "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out."  In my recent experience I could modify this statement to "I went to a hockey game and a wedding reception broke out."  Since when is it that all you hear at hockey games are a random selection of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, the Spice Girls (I am serious!  Midget hockey game going on during intermission to "If you wanna be my lover"), Sir Mixalot, Village People, Kids Bop songs, and a variety of silly country music songs (sorry, I know there are some good country songs that mix well with sporting events but these, despite my unfamiliarity with country music, aren't those) THE music to play?

BTW - Is Pitbull and Macklemore now synonymous with sporting events?  (And for the record, Pitbull is the guy I wish I was.  I mean, he does almost nothing and he gets all that fame, money, and notoriety!  I mean, he barely even sings his own songs!  I am jealous.  All I get when I'm that lazy is nothing).

The only rationale I can imagine is, sadly, horrifically chauvinist.  The hockey is for the guys and the music is for the girls and kids.  A concept like that is TERRIBLY out of place with what a hockey game should be... but observe people at a hockey game some time.

In Ralston, the guys are watching the game like hawks and the girls are all texting and snap chatting or talking with their girlfriends.  Then the whistle blows and Shake it off by Taylor Swift comes on and the guys look sick to their stomachs and the girls are all dancing.   Is this what we are pandering to now?  Maybe I'm super cheap, but why would I, as someone (akin to the girls I've observed in the section around me at times) who is completely disinterested in the game, spend $15+ on a ticket when I could spend $5 on a chic coffee at a coffee shop with my girlfriend and get a better experience?  In other words, if hockey is no better than background noise, then go to a sports bar with your friends and enjoy your conversation!  I get it.  Not everyone likes hockey.  I certainly would feel the same way if I were dragged to a basketball game.  But then again, I won't spend $$$ on basketball tickets unless I fully intended to watch the game.  Much cheaper to sit at home in my super comfy recliner watching that garbage than sitting on a bench in an arena having to spend $15 for $3 worth of food and drink.

As the owner of the organization, the whole purpose is to put butts in the seats, so I get that, so why not market better?  Here's a few suggestions:

1.  Seat stratification.  Devote entire sections to season ticket holder ONLY sections.  I think the REA does this, but I'm not sure.  Ralston does not.  Allow casual fans to have their own sections where they can do whatever and no one will care.  Stratification of passionate hockey fans leads to organized chants and a fun sporting experience.

2.  Music variation:  During the hockey game and during intros, trend towards music that revs people up (examples:  For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica, Land of Confusion (Genesis cover) by Disturbed, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses, etc.).  I guess if you were going to gender-ize the whole thing, one stereotyped as male centered songs.  During intermissions, and spotlight segments (like Kids Cam and so on), you can have the Taylor Swifts and Katy Perrys.

3.  Hold "Idiots Guide" segments:  During intermissions, create live or videoed entertaining segments that spotlight the rules of the game.  It can be just straight forward video segments with the coaches filmed during practice or it can be video edited stuff using highlights and all or, you can bring in youth coaches or whatnot and do it on the ice live.  Sort of a mini seminar. 

I guess the music thing is all me just being grumpy but the decline in courtesy and etiquette in hockey is just appalling.

End of Rant

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