Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Scandella Gets Two Games

Minnesota defender, Marco Scandella, looks to move the puck last week against the
Montreal Canadians. Minnesota won the game 2-1.
Recently reported today, the Department of NHL Players Safety has given out a two game suspension to Minnesota Wild defender Marco Scandella.

In Tuesday night's contest against the New York Islanders, Scandella came across in his defensive zone and caught Brock Nelson in the head with an elbow. During the contest, Scandella was given a two minute minor penalty for illegal contact to the head.

Minnesota fans may argue that how can he get a penalty and suspended when there was no penalty for the Ballard hit earlier that night? The difference in the two hits was if you notice, Ballard turned and tried to brace himself for that lethal hit, which may have created greater injury to him. However, it still doesn't make the hit right and probably should have been given a minor penalty on the play. However, the Scandella hit is his second offence of the season, the first coming in the form of a fine for another elbow to the head of St. Louis forward TJ Oshie.

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