Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Adrian Dater fired by the Denver Post

Per Deadspin, Adrian Dater was fired from the Denver Post for misbehavior on social media. The tweets in question are posted below.

It sounds like Dater has some other issues that he's currently working through. Personally, I always thought he was a bit abrasive on Twitter, but he was always willing to engage the fans. Hopefully he can deal with his demons and move on. Also below, is his Facebook page post.


My long association with the Post came to an end today. That's a really bad thing to have to write, but it's reality.

I said a bunch of stupid things on social media once too often. It was unprofessional and I paid the price.

Social media and I were always going to be a dangerous mix. I'm opinionated and have the occasional real hot temper.

But my problems were deeper than that.

I've had some pretty bad substance abuse problems. Every single time I got myself in trouble with my mouth, substances helped play a role, probably a big one.

I tried to deny it was a big problem but it obviously was and is.

A lifestyle of a lot of late nights away from home in lonely hotel rooms and a stressful lifestyle at times kind of caught up with me. I used too many wrong things as coping mechanisms. I also have dealt with manic depression for years and when the real dark moods come over me I tend to do things to hurt myself more. I don't want these to be used as excuses or to win sympathy. But I'm just adding explanations of what I've had problems with.

I do believe some things said about me recently in accusatory manners is totally false, with people misrepresenting things. But the bottom line is I caused my own problems and have to own them.

I've been seeking more in-depth help for some of my problems and if I could ask for one thing, it's that you hope for the best that I can. I know I'm a good person down deep, but greatly flawed.

It was my pleasure writing on the Avalanche for 20 years for a great paper. Nobody can take those memories away.

I love my family and the No. 1 thing I need to do is try and make them proud of me again.

I'm so sorry I let people down. I hope to some day write a happier comeback story for you to read.


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