Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sayanythingblog: 'No Name Is Best Way To Move On'

Former FSSN logo used from 2003-2005
Hum, I and many have been saying this for a very long time. Nice to see get on board. Actually, it doesn't hurt that North Dakota's most popular political blog is behind this. Say Anything gets hundreds of thousands of hits every month.

Let me be clear, I understand the Fighting Sioux nickname isn't coming back. That's obvious to most of us. But that being said, nothing the nickname committee comes up with -- as far as  a nickname goes -- is going to be acceptable to many UND fans. Me included.

I am also not that thrilled with some of the possible replacement names that have been thrown out there. First, I am going to snap if UND's sports teams are called the Sun Dogs, what a stupid name.
Legit Slater, --- That solution is simple– stay North Dakota. No new nickname needed.

This is not a new idea. Indeed it has been one floated by people who are both for and against the Fighting Sioux name before. But it is starting to crecendo more and more as this taskforce does their work, and UND’s self-imposed deadline of end of December looms.

Why is that? Well, perhaps because it just makes sense. What has been missing from this debate since inception has been a sincere attempt to find a win-win for all. In order to “move on” — to truly heal, that win-win has to be realized.

What is important to some is the Fighting Sioux name is not used by UND, and this would be achieved with no replacement. What is important to others is the proud name “Fighting Sioux”, and the 80 plus years of heritage that went with it, is not erased. This solution does that.

A few (including our lawmakers on the Appropriations Committees no doubt) are concerned with the expense UND will incur with changing their branding to a new name and logo. No new name completely addresses that concern.

Some want to make sure UND still has a name to be proud of. If we all (regardless of our feeling on the Fighting Sioux name) can’t be proud of the name of our own state, then no other name exists which we can be proud of.

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