Goon's World Extras

Monday, October 06, 2014

Union Suspends Three Players for Violating Team Rules

This past weekend, Union head coach Rick Bennett threw the book at three of his players. Bennett suspended three players for multiple games, for violating team rules. Looks like the Union coach is sending a message early in the season. Here's the video to this story.  
Ken Schott, Gazette -- Union coach Rick Bennett announced Sunday that three Dutchmen have been suspended for violation of team rules.

The three players penalties are senior forward Max Novak and junior forwards Matt Wilkins and Nick Cruice.

Novak was suspended five games, while Wilkins and Cruice each got three games. The suspensions begin with Sunday’s exhibition game against the University of Prince Edward Island.

"It's just a violation of team rules. I'll leave it at that," Bennett said before the game. That's going to be the protocol for this. I don't want to elaborate. It's a violation of team rules. It's something our staff feels very strongly about. It's nothing the guys didn't know about. They're veteran players. They knew about it. We've moved on."
From last season’s stats, Max Novak (15g-16a—31pts), Matt Wilkins (6g-14a—21pts) and Nick Cruice (6g-1a—7pts). Two of these suspensions are significant. Novak missing five games is a big hit for the Dutchmen.

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