Goon's World Extras

Monday, October 13, 2014

Check this Chump out - Trevor Gillies of the AHL - RW77

The Adirondak Flames have the super hack named Trevor Gillies on their team.  Well, I haven't read much about this buffoon but I'm fairly certain that his idols are Matt Cooke with a dusting of Marty McSorley, early Steve Downie, and Todd Bertuzzi (pre-ban).

The situation is, as far as I can tell, the Flames were setting the tone and were about to get their first fight, when Trevor entered the fray and tried to enter the first fight as a third player (which I thought was illegal in its own stead).  Instead, he found a player named Carrier.  He attempts to fight Carrier and Carrier drops his gloves.  However, Carrier immediately realizes that this will not end well and turtles.  What happens next?

Well, the "code" for fighting is simple:  If he's standing and no refs interfere, fight on.  If refs interfere or one player goes down to the ice, the fight's over.  That's it.  Well, the fight was over and it appears that Gillies was unimpressed with Carrier's turtling... so he slammed Carrier forehead first into the ice.


Luckily it was at such an angle that the helmet took most of the blow and Carrier got right back up apparently uninjured, but the message was clear:  This chump shouldn't be employed in the sport.

Today the AHL announced they suspended him for 12 games.  Funny thing is... if that was the NHL, they'd suspend him for 20+.  Heck, I'm fairly sure that if he had done it in the USHL, Tier II Canadian Juniors (BCHL/AJHL/etc.) or the OHL like he came through, he'd be looking at 20+ as well.

Get this:  I cruised over to Hockeydb to look at this yutz's stats and he's appeared in 1 game this year (which is the season opener) and accrued no points but 27 PIMs.  Not entirely certain how that's possible and I do have reason to question the stats.  Sirius Radio's NHL Radio station cited Gillies with a pro record of 8 goals and 22 assists but around 1500 PIMs.   Hockeydb only has his pro stat line as 2 goals and 1 assist in 57 NHL games (267 PIMS) and less than 8-22-30 stat line in AHL.  The 35 year old does have an "impressive" 2,948 PIMs spread out between the ECHL, AHL, and NHL over his pro career (not counting his 2 years overseas).

So what I'm saying is:  He's no scorer.  He's no defender (forward or otherwise.  He's routinely in the negative of the +/- measurement).

He has a history of cheap play.

Check this one out:

This was a flying elbow to the face of Tangradi followed by a one person fight.  You know why?  Tangradi was concussed over the hit and went down!  Didn't stop Gillies!

Oh yeah, Wild fans.  Forget this one?

This guy is another Matt Cooke but at 35 years old, he's beyond redemption.  Ban his backside and walk away.  I do not know if he's currently under a minor league contract with the Calgary Flames or if he's just an AHL contracted player, but if I were the Flames, I'd issue a statement condemning this guy and stating that, if he did have an NHL contract, he doesn't any longer.