Goon's World Extras

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Winnipeg Sun: Blake Wheeler is a leader and wants Evander Kane to join him

It interesting to see how this turns out during training camp. I suppose the fans shouldn't look too deeply into this. I would imagine that Wheeler and Kane will be "fine" during the season.
Ted Wyman, Winnipeg Sun -- Evander Kane needs to step up his game and be a leader.

Good for Wheeler. This is a player who has developed into leader himself over the last few seasons. He led the Jets in scoring last season and was the team's best player down the stretch, showing a great deal of character in the process. It would be a surprise if he’s not named an assistant captain this season.

The Jets need players who aren't afraid to speak their minds, even if they are stating the obvious, and they need players who are going to hold one another accountable. The Jets have missed the playoffs every year they've been in Winnipeg and the players should be demanding of each other if they ever hope to change that trend.
While Wheeler doesn't wear a letter, yet. Sometimes an older player on the team has to call out fellow teammates. In my opinion, that's part of the job description of a team leader. Personally, I am not so sure I would have used the print media to do this, but that's Wheeler's choice.

Kane sent out this tweet in response.