Goon's World Extras

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Hill: Democratic Senator Would Strip NFL's Nonprofit Status over 'Redskins'

Here's the latest on the Washington Redskins nickname. Apparently, the democratic led senate wants to take the NFL's tax-exempt status away from them if the Redskins don't change their name. Here's my prediction, I can see a law suit coming, with the NFL winning. In my opinion, it's not the federal government's business to tell an NFL team what they can name themselves.
Mario Trujillo , the Hill -- Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) on Tuesday pushed to revoke the NFL's tax-exempt status over the Washington Redskins' refusal to change its name.

"In the next few days, I will be dropping legislation to end that tax status," she said at a press conference.

The Washington Democrat made the announcement in the Capitol Tuesday alongside the "Change the Mascot" campaign, which is led by Native American leaders opposed to the team's name.

"The NFL needs to join the rest of America in the 21st century,” she said in remarks released by her office. “We can no longer tolerate this attitude towards Native Americans. This is not about team tradition. It is about right and wrong.”

Cantwell has been a major advocate to change the name in the past, spearheading a letter signed by 50 senators earlier this year to pressure the league to force the Redskins to change their name, arguing it is disparaging to Native Americans.

The push in Congress to force a name change has become increasingly vocal in the past year. In June, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a ruling canceling a number of the team's trademarks.

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