Goon's World Extras

Thursday, July 10, 2014

More Heatley, 'I can still play this game'

Former Minnesota forward Dany Heatley thinks that he still has something left in the tank. I think you're going to find the former Wisconsin Badgers comments interesting. I do like how Heatley has taken this in stride.  
Lisa Dillman, L.A. Times -- "I feel good," Heatley said. "I feel leaner. I know the knock on me is that I'm not quick enough anymore. I disagree with that. I can still play this game. I'm still quick enough, fast enough, and I can score goals.

"As far as Minnesota, I think they had a lot of great young players. As an older player, sometimes you get pushed to the side a little bit to let the younger guys develop. But at the same time, I feel like I was a good guy to the young kids. I mentored them a little bit. I enjoyed my time there. I just want another chance to show I can play and I think I still can play."

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