Goon's World Extras

Friday, June 06, 2014

Bylsma is now the "blue chip" of the NHL (RW77)

I understood the firing of Ray Shero but, Bylsma is now a free agent and I think it is going to cost the Penguins.

Oh, I can understand the why behind the move, but I still think it is a mistake.  The truth is, hockey is a team sport.  More a team sport than the NBA.  I believe with the star talent the Pens have right now, translated (somehow) to the NBA, it would be the Pens vs. Heat in the Finals most every year.  The truth is, though, two stars don't make a championship team.  Even Gretzky had more big time players on his Oiler teams when he won all those times.

In the end, the person who paid the price was Bylsma.  He leaves the Pens with a fabulous record as a head coach (especially since pretty much nobody thought much of him when it first took the job in Pittsburgh).

So where does he end up?

There are currently (as of June 6th) three coaching vacancies (not counting Pittsburgh) in:  Florida, Carolina, and Vancouver.  Let's also not discount the crazy rumors surrounding Carlyle in Toronto.  I do not believe that any team has recently fired its head coach as soon as another guy became available, but I could be wrong.... but if it were to happen this offseason, Toronto would be the team.  From what I've read and heard, Toronto feels that they're on the cusp of being very competitive and they might feel that Bylsma could take them to the promised land...

However, they somehow have been more adamant about waiting until next year to steal current Red Wings' boss Mike Babcock.  It's too bad, if this were true mind you, that it didn't happen now because I wouldn't mind Bylsma heading up the Wings.  Then again, all signs point to current AHL Coach of the Year and former WMU head coach Blashill as Babcock's successor.

How about Florida?  Ron Wilson just interviewed for that position and Florida, forgive me, seems to be the destination for old vet NHL head coaches to try to rekindle old times.  Bylsma isn't that desperate.  I do not see him joining Florida, even if Dale Tallon is the GM.

Carolina?  They may make a play for him, and after all, former Penguin great Ron Francis is now the GM.  I don't see him going to Carolina either.

I think for the second straight time, the Canucks take a head coach from the East to lead them.  Bylsma would be a good fit for their game style and may even improve the lagging production of the Sedins, Kessler, and Raymond.  Heck, he may also make radical changes like eliminate diving (thus ending Bieksa and Burrows' careers in Vancouver).

How long will Byslma be a free agent?  Not long.  I'd be shocked if he was still unemployed by the 4th of July.  I would not be surprised in the slightest if he was employed before Fathers Day.

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