Goon's World Extras

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Senators Urge N.F.L. to Act on Redskins’ Name

This article was linked on Sioux Sports today, I thought it was worth a look. It would appear that the NFL's Washington Redskins are getting pressure to change their Redskins nickname by the US Senate.
WASHINGTON — Fifty members of the Senate have signed a letter to the N.F.L. to urge its leadership to press the Washington Redskins to change the team name in the aftermath of tough sanctions against the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers for racially charged comments.

The position embraced by half of the Senate, and the willingness of the lawmakers to sign a formal request to Commissioner Roger Goodell, escalated the fight over the name and represented an effort to put increasing pressure on the league, which receives a federal tax break, and the ownership of the team.

“The N.F.L. can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur,” said the letter, which was circulated by Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington, and endorsed by Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, the majority leader. “We urge the N.F.L. to formally support a name change for the Washington football team.”
Here's what Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had to say on the matter.
“I have 22 tribal organizations in Nevada,” Reid said. “They are not mascots. They are human beings. And this term Redskins is offensive to them.”
It's going to be interesting to see how this turns out.
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1 comment:

  1. Don't those A-holes have anything better to do? Daniel Snyder should tell them all to pound sand.
