Goon's World Extras

Friday, May 30, 2014

Lambert, "Stop your complaining about diving already"

Today, Ryan Lambert of Puck Daddy fame has a blog post about diving. I always love those writers and fans that tell us to stop complaining about the on-ice officials. Moreover, I also love the people that tell us to stop complaining about player embellishment.
People seem particularly aggrieved these days by “the head snap,” that is, when a stick or a glove gets somewhere up near a guy's face, he throws his head back. Tomas Plekanec famously did this in Game 4, after everyone talked about how both teams had “embarrassed” the refs by embellishing for calls in Game 3. The reason why is simple: They'd been able to do it to great effect in the past, but because the officials were on the lookout for it, they spotted it in Plekanec's case. The guy who gets caught is always the one who gets vilified, and the quote-unquote hilarious hashtag “#Plekanecing” quickly made its way around social media (spurred on by, who else, Bruins media hacks). The reason for this is that it's hard to take a picture of throwing yourself on the ice with the force of 10 atomic bombs because a guy's stick tapped the back of your skate (#Marchanding), and that people's memories are short (#Boychuking).
I am sorry, but diving and embellishment has gotten way out of hand in all levels of hockey. It doesn't matter if you watch the NHL, College or youth hockey. Hockey players are flopping all over the ice to get calls and draw penalties. Face it, diving is poor sportsmanship and it cheapens the game of hockey. We don't want the NHL resembling soccer.

Seriously, I don't know too many hockey fans that want to see any more displays like these two examples. I posted two videos of Vancouver Canucks frauds Alex Burrows and Ryan Kessler. These two are the epitome of diving. Burrows is known around the NHL as being a head snapping embellishing clown. Lastly, Lambert a known Boston Bruins hater, is again using his blog to troll the Boston Bruins fan base, but none of us should be shocked by that.

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