Goon's World Extras

Sunday, April 06, 2014

When Dany Heatley Sits, Wild Win

March, 29, 2014, Minnesota Wild win 3-1 against the Phoenix Coyotes, much maligned forward Dany Heatley is a healthy scratch. Wild fans rejoice.

March 31, 2014, the Minnesota Wild win against the L.A. Kings 3-2. Again, forward Heatley is a healthy scratch.

Is this a coincidence? Maybe.

April 3, 2014, Minnesota loses in a shootout to the Chicago Blackhawks 3-2., Heatley is a minus (-1) and plays 4th line minutes.

April 5, 2014, the Minnesota Wild shutout the Pittsburg Penguins 4-0, Heatley is again sitting in the press box with a suit and tie.

One of my Facebook friends brought this point up, and I had to look into this further. One has to think that Heatley’s final playing days with the Wild are going to be uneventful, with him sitting in the stands in a suit and tie.

Let’s think about this from an economic angle. For $5,000,000.00 dollars you get this kind of production (12g-15a—27pts). For $600,000.00 you get this kind of production (13g-8a—21pts). To be fair, neither player has produced much in the way of points the last five games. Heatley has (0g-0a—0pts) and Justin Fontaine has scored (0g-1a—1pts). That being said, Fontaine isn’t a defensive liability like Heatley is.

If Heatley hadn't been hurt last season, he would have been an amnesty buyout during the summer. The season can't end fast enough for Heatley. The guy needs a new start in a place not called Minnesota. That being said, he’s not going to be sign another deal for 5 Million a year and play first line minutes for anyone in the NHL.

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