Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 25, 2014

(Video) Patrick Bordeleau takes a run at Jared Spurgeon

Funny, I didn't see any mention of this in the Denver Post this morning when I was reading their objective coverage of the series between the Av's and the Wild. I wonder if Adrian Dater or Mark Kizsla will cover this in their articles? Don't count on it. It would screw up their story line.

This is a blatant attempt at a leg check and could be worthy of a look from the NHL's Department of Player Safety. There's no defending this, it's a dirty hit. I know this is playoff hockey, but there is no reason for Patrick Bordeleau to take a run at Jared Spurgeon like that. I wonder if head coach Patrick Roy ordered Bordeleau to go out there and take a run at Spurgeon?

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