Goon's World Extras

Thursday, April 10, 2014

UND Season over.... Much to be thankful for

Seal of the University of North Dakota
Seal of the University of North Dakota (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One of my friend on facebook posted this... I think this sums it up best. 
I'm so proud of University of North Dakota Men's Hockey. For how the season was going by Christmas break, did **ANY** UND fan think they'd even make the big tourney? Or even the 2nd round of the NCHCs? No way. Nobody saw this coming. I'll forever be as big of a fan as I've ever been. To the four Seniors, thank you so much. Clarke Saunders, Mitch Mac, Derek Rodwell, and Dillon Simpson... Thank you so, so much, and I wish you the best of luck in your future careers off and on ice careers. To the coaches and the rest of the team, thank you for being such great student athletes. I wish I could shake every single one of your hands.

Man... it's going to be a long 5 months and 3 weeks without Tim Hennessy and Steve Olsen echoing through my house. SIOUX FOREVER.
All in all, it was a good season, and I don't think we should hang our heads about this. #rolltribe and go UNION...
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