Goon's World Extras

Thursday, April 24, 2014

There's your answer it's was Kiszla

Earlier this week, a beat writer  from the Denver Post asked Minnesota Wild head coach Mike Yeo if he sent Matt Cooke out to run the Av's players. We knew it was either been Adrian Dater or Mark Kiszla that would ask such a objectionable question. Now it would appear that we know the answer. I am glad that Kiszla realizes his team is a bunch of saints either.
Mark Kiszla, Denver Post --- When I asked Minnesota coach Mike Yeo on Tuesday if the often-suspended Cooke represents the NHL well, Yeo bristled and said: "I'm not going to get into that. Listen, you're asking me to criticize my player. I'm not going to do that. I don't want to get into a whole laundry list of things trying to defend him."

So then I went back and watched video of Cooke making a blindside run at Avs teenager Nathan MacKinnon in the first period of Game 3, swinging and missing the NHL's top rookie with an elbow.

There's no defending the Wild's decision to give Cooke a $7.5 million contract to wear Minnesota across his chest. The great state of hockey deserves better than a coward who has repeatedly demonstrated utter disrespect for the health of fellow competitors in a tough, violent sport.

It's true: The Avs are not always angels. When Claude Lemieux shattered the face of Kris Draper of Detroit on the boards during a playoff game in 1996, I called for a suspension. Cody McLeod is a good dude, but when he blasted Wings defenseman Niklas Kronwall between the numbers from behind this season, I applauded the five-game suspension.
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