Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New York Daily News: New Joe Paterno statue planned for off-campus location just outside PSU campus

When I read this story my blood boils. Why would anyone want that statue in their establishment? Seriously, why would anyone want to honors a man that himself admitted that he could have done more, given the nature of the case.
Bernie Augustine, New York Daily News --- A group of Paterno supporters plan to raise $300,000 for a bronze tribute to the coach that will sit outside the Tavern Restaurant, a popular bar for alumni and Penn State fans located just about two miles from the Beaver Stadium location where Paterno’s statue once stood.

“There’s been some level of frustration among Penn Staters with what happened with the statue at the stadium,” Ted Sebastianelli, one of the project’s organizers told, an independent, student-run Penn State news blog. “We wanted to come up with a way to honor Joe for all that he did for the State College community. It wasn’t just the university he impacted — it was the whole town.”

The on-campus Paterno statue was torn down in July 2012 in the aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal, which cost Paterno his job and tarnished his coaching legacy. Paterno died of lung cancer in January 2012, just two months after his firing. Sandusky, Paterno’s longtime defensive coordinator, is serving a 30- to 60-year prison sentence after being convicted of 45 counts of child sex abuse
Being a vindictive person, I think that they should do is let the victims of Jerry Sandusky to take a torch to this Godawful statue. Break it in 1,000 pieces and melt it down to a glob of molten metal. This statue is disrespectful to the victims of Jerry Sandusky. Let's not sugar coat this, While Paterno was head coach, Sandusky raped numerous young kids in the PSU athletic facilities. This is unacceptable. I think this taints Paterno's legacy, forever.
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