Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr Elbow Dustin Brown says that Joe Thornton is a dirty player

So, L.A. Kings forward Dustin Brown, AKA Mr. Elbow is calling Sharks forward Joe Thornton a dirty player. Sure he got run last night and check with a dirty leg check, but Karma is a bitch right? This is comedy gold, this is coming from a player that has several questionable plays a week. All you have to do is go to Google Dustin Brown and dirty hit. How many times has he hit someone with one of his patented, lead with his elbow hits? Many... So, when I hear him make this statement I have to laugh.



  1. Here's the thing, if you have never played the game and taken a full speed check into the boards, you cannot comment on such matters, because really, what do you really know about hockey unless you've had to fight for space on the ice.

  2. Do you like running a blog that has no comments on it ever? Kick people out and change the commenting system so you never hear from your detractors makes you a believe your own legend you've created for yourself. I will enjoy knowing you read this and that you deleted it because, your not big enough to allow it to stand.

    1. Well Genius, can I call you genius?

      The reason I switched blog commenting systems, is that I wanted to use Disqus, but it's wasn't compatible with Blogger. I accidentally deactivated my Intense Debate account and I wasn't able to bring it back so I now have Livefyre and blogger commenting systems. Since I could no longer use Intense Debate and Disqus, I had to find something to comment system.

      Funny that you should mention this, I banned a total of two or three people from my blog. One was the idiot from New Ulm Minnesota, which your starting to act just like him because you've followed me around the Internet and that's psychotic behavior. That makes you persona non grata. My blog, my rules.

    2. Well to be honest, I have acted like less than an adult, but I just find your attitude towards others so grating, that I can't stand by without calling you out. As for psychotic behavior, its not like I'm tracing you around the globe here, your the one posting these readings for all to see, I'm just trying to find a forum where we are on equal ground to say our peace, but you just have control over all commenting on your writing. My dislike with your actions has been growing for a while now. Personally I have enjoyed reading your blog (even if it is a little redundant), but this all started for me when I corrected you on something you wrote, you proceeded to delete my comments and edit your posting, and blocked me from commenting further. I thought that was pretty weak, and a few other times I have commented you have called my location out and assumed I have been a troll which is just pathetic, Im a GF native and have personal friends that have gone through the program. I don't appreciate being silenced, and anytime I'm offended by your writing I find a way to let you know, because I don't respect the fact you won't debate your Point you just silence your detractors. This is your playground, but you want everyone to see your writings, don't you? Arguments stir debate which increase page views, aren't you in the business of page views? You must be your always linking your writings so the masses can read your work, and as long as that continues I will occasionally be around to offer my opinion be it silenced or otherwise. Also you don't have to comment on every comment, sometimes when people comment they are not looking for the authors approval or disapproval, they are just trying to add to the conversation, it spurs the convo forward, when the writer is responding to every comment he's making himself the center of the conversation, which makes it hard to have a conversation.

    3. Thanks for reading. Maybe... If I deleted your comments, it's was because you probably crossed a threshold that was objectionable. Yep, signing up for an account under my name is childish and could probably be construed as stalking like the guy from New Ulm, who was banned for life for posting my address and family information on line... I am not having a repeat of that again, it freaked my spouse out. But before you tell me that I am the only one that does that, I know for a fact that even beat writers delete objectionable comments.
      So, if you want to post on my blog, first thing you can do is register for a legit account that doesn't have my name on it. That’s that.

    4. Thanks for letting me have my say, sorry if I offended by posting under your name, I chose it as more of a symbol of my rebellion against your commenting system, because I have no accounts at any of the options so I made up a Google account. I have no interest in your personal life, I have my own family as well and I am aware of the perils of the internet, I'm actually offended that you believe I would possibly do that considering I have never been vile or shown any hatred with my words toward you, in fact you have given away more information about me (my location) than I have even attempted to gather on you. My problem with you was always about The lack of respect I felt you showed me (for writing something that did not cross any line) and subsequently the lack of respect I showed you. Deleting objectionable content is one thing, but I feel I take care to post without using sailor lingo. I just want to say thanks again for allowing me to air my feelings in space and responding in kind, this is my last post under this pseudonym, and I hope that we can have respectful conversation from here on as we cheer our Sioux in the future. Have a nice evening.

  3. I am now banned. Per usual. Thin-skin. Spam. Gfnative. Siouxfan. Tired of cliches. Same story different date. Holier than thou. Get real. Have a nice day.

    1. My blog, my rules, I don't come to your house and insult you and act like an jerk. If you want to act like a dunderhead, you're not going to post here. Since I am the editor, I can do that. Without apology. It's really that simple. I don't know where it's written that I need to take your abuse, I don't need you reading my blog. Start your own blog.

    2. I didn't realize a public blog is equal to your private home.


    3. I am the editor and I decided what stays and what goes. Who posts and who doesn't post... I don’t need to put up with petty personal attacks on "my" blog. That being said, the person the comment is directed at went and registered for an account with my name. Said person, already has a history. I don't just nuke posters. You have to cross a threshold, that person crossed that threshold. Again, thanks for reading....

  4. Interesting take indeed.. If this statement from Dustin came from the interview that I saw - it's interesting because the first question the reporter asked (it was a leading question to get Dustin to say that Joe's knee on knee was a dirty hit) was if he felt Joe's hit was dirty and Dustin did not hesitate to say 'no'. Then Dustin stammered for awhile and concluded with that everyone is reacting to each other out there and those things happen.

    And guess what: some people DO THINK that Joe is a dirty player the same way that some people (you obviously one of them ) DO THINK that Dustin is a dirty player. I'm a LA fan and I don't think either one of them is dirty... I think Torres is/has been/can be. Do I think players that consistently take the body occasionally make bad or questionable hits - yes. For me it's about a trend and it's about intent.

    Why does the media and "want to be media" bloggers always take an extreme to one side or another? I don't know you or this blog-- but some friendly advice: don't be like all the other idiots out there.

    1. First thanks for reading. Absolutely, I can see why some people don't like either player. I get it. As a Wild fan, last season I watched Dustin Brown hit Jason Pominville with a dirty unneeded elbow in the head that knocked him out with a concussion that cost the Wild dearly.

      I watch the NHL, on a regular basis. I watch at least a 100 games every season, at a minimum. I’ve watched enough NHL hockey to know that Brown is famous for those questionable, high hits. I am not the only one saying this. I have seen where many of the media people say the same thing.
