Goon's World Extras

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Minnesota Wild: Brandon Bollig Hits Zach Parise in the back of the head

Another night, another NHL player hit in the head by an elbow/forearm, there's no excusing this hit. The NHL needs to start protecting its players from predatory type hits, or we're going to have all of the star players on the shelf. This is unacceptable; please tell me why Brandon Bollig needs to hit Zach Parise in this instance, for one it’s from behind. That’s a penalty in itself.

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  1. That hit should get Mr.Bollig a time out facing the corner for a couple games and a fine! I have read some on the Chicago sights say it was a legal hit? I don't see it! That hit was from behind and up high in the head area, there is no room for that kind of play in the NHL!

    1. He won't be getting anything. Russo said he was out running other players on the ice shift prior.

  2. What part of that hit is illegal? He hit him from behind, but that's not illegal, guys get checked from behind all the time. And he didn't hit him in the head. Just because Parise gets whiplash doesn't make it illegal. The fact that his head gets jerked back means that he wasn't hit there. Bollig hit Parise in the back/shoulder with his shoulder. It looked worse because he didn't see it coming, as is always the case when a guy gets laid out and he isn't expecting it. Whoever wrote this "article" and claimed Bollig had a "hit in the head by an elbow/forearm" is a complete moron. The refs didn't see it as illegal. These clearly biased announcers even contradict themselves. They say he had his arm and elbow tucked in, but then they think he hit Parise in the back of the head with his forearm. It's just funny how, when you watch the replay, no part of Bollig hits Parise in the head, but you want a fine and a penalty.

    1. If you cut out about 95 percent of that paragraph, you'd be right!

      "What part of that hit is illegal? He hit him from behind."

    2. I don't usually sink to replying to comments online, but when a guy runs around calling people morons, and he's wrong? Well...

      Since you don't know the rules.

    3. Kyle Renken, if you want to keep posting on my blog, you're not winning any friends by calling me a moron. Second, you might want to take a look at the NHL rules. That hit was illegal and there was nothing legal about it. It was from behind and up high. Thanks for playing though.

    4. The contact was elbow to the back of the head.

    5. The view at 47 seconds is definitive.
