Goon's World Extras

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Denver Post finally responds to Patrick Bordeleau's dirty leg check on Jared Spurgeon

Nice to see that the Denver Post "finally" decided to pick up this story. Our buddy Adrian Dater from the Denver Post is Johnny on the spot for this story.
But, yeah, it looks a lot like the Cooke hit on Barrie, and let’s not be naive here: we all knew the Avs would maybe try something in retaliation for losing one of their best players to a dirty hit. As I said before and I’ll keep saying: you’re looking in the wrong place if you’re looking to the NHL for fairness and civility.
Adrian Dater explains his reasons for calling Matt Cooke a Gutless Puke.
When I referred to Matt Cooke as a “gutless puke” earlier, I was doing so in reference to an old line Cam Neely used about Claude Lemieux once, and has since become a common hockey saying for anyone people don’t like. It wasn’t meant to be taken so literally.
Let's clear, I have called Minnesota Wild Matt Cooke worse than that. I just was kind of shocked to see a major newspaper in a major market use those kind of words to explain a National Hockey League player. First, the Avalanche employed their share of objectionable players as well.

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