Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Anti-fighting Cabal to Ban Fighting in US Junior Hockey

Shirt badge/Association crest
Shirt badge/Association crest (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The anti-fighting cabal is pretty strong in hockey across the USA. I am concerned. This is going to bring the level of violence up in amateur hockey. People always talk about fighting in hockey but they never address the dangerous hits like hits from behind, head shots, boarding’s and the blatant charges. These are the hits were the concussions are coming from. These are the hits that I am concerned about more than a hockey fight.
Jeff Z. Klein, New York Times -- Junior A hockey, for 16- to 20-year-olds, is the last remaining level of the game under USA Hockey’s jurisdiction that still tolerates fighting. The push to outlaw fighting is being spurred by a recent spate of serious injuries resulting from fights and concern over the prospect of lawsuits.

“We need to take a firm stand to preserve our sport, prevent catastrophic injury and avoid financial repercussions,” said Dr. Michael J. Stuart, the chief medical officer for USA Hockey, who has been a leader in the effort to ban fighting.

The new rule would punish all fighters with automatic ejection from the game, and instigators with an automatic two-game suspension. It would also give referees more latitude in making decisions to eject players.

The measure will be presented at the organization’s winter meetings Jan. 16-19 in Orlando, Fla. It could be voted on then or at USA Hockey’s annual congress in June. The rule could take effect as early as next season.

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