Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget 9/11

Today, is the 12th anniversary of the horrific 9/11 Terrorist attacks. Most of us, can probably remember what we were doing when the two planes hit the World Trade Center Towers... I was on my way to work listening to KFAN 1440 A.M. and Tim and Swig were talking about an airplane that hit the World Trade Center in New York City. 

Unfortunately that day changed most of our lives forever. If you get a chance today, take a minute from your busy day to remember the victims that perished in that horrific terrorist attack, 12-years ago.

One of the memories that I can still remember was the messages on the CNN, there was a scroll at the bottom of the TV screen, and there were messages from people looking for family members that were missing after the WTC collapsed. Lastly, let’s also not forget the Men and Women in our countries' military that serve this great nation, but also the Men and Woman that gave their lives protecting freedom.

Lest we NEVER forget or history WILL repeat itself.