Goon's World Extras

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Evening Links: Hockey is Just Around the Corner.

Czech NHL player Jaromír Jágr
Czech NHL player Jaromír Jágr (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Newly acquired, Jaromir Jagr has indicated that this year could be his last season in the NHL. This will be Jagr's 20th season in the NHL and he will turn 42 in February.

Team Canada's players have started to arrive for the start of Hockey Canada's Olympic orientation camp.

Tim Bourcier of the Hockey Writers caused quite a stir with this post. Caps Back to Early Playoff Exit Status with Grabovski Signing. You can read the reaction to this post here and then Tim's response here. Good stuff.

A Tradition of Excellence has some good new tidbits on his Sunday Afternoon Post.

Over at the ESPN Sports Nation, they asked which team will win the Stanley Cup in 2013-14? My pick next season is the Detroit Redwings and no, I am not sucking up to Redwing77.

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