Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Will Jim Delany take aim at NCAA?

English: National Collegiate Athletic Associat...
I found this article on my twitter feed, I find this article to be interesting, but in a way, I think  it kind of translates to other sports besides football, I think. There's a mind set out there, and frankly some of the schools in the WCHA didn't want to play against the smaller schools in the WCHA, that mind set was out there. It's really about the have's and the schools that have more. I believe.
Take 1: Brian Bennett Delany has probably been more supportive of NCAA president Mark Emmert than some of his other peers, but he has to feel many of the same frustrations as his commissioner colleagues. Like Slive, Delany is a big proponent of paying athletes an additional stipend on top of their scholarships to cover the full cost of attendance, and they are upset the NCAA has yet to approve that measure after both stumped for it more than two years ago. Bowlsby said Monday that commissioners of the five power conferences met six weeks ago and were unanimous in wanting major changes to the NCAA structure. It sounds like the major conferences are growing tired of a system where Ohio State and Nebraska have to share the same rules as Louisiana-Lafayette and Texas-San Antonio.

The threat of the power leagues breaking off and forming their own kingdom gives them leverage, although those conference don't really want to be in the business of putting on their own soccer and lacrosse tournaments. Still, this is clearly an organized assault on the NCAA by the most powerful leaders in college football, and I'd expect Delany to weigh in with his own concerns. He probably won't be as pointed in his comments as Bowlsby -- Delany tends to speak in carefully considered, lawyerly tones -- but as one of the sport's most influential figures, whatever Delany says on Wednesday will carry a lot of weight.
There's a lot of money to be made in college sports, it's very a big business and some schools no matter what aren't going to be able to even the playing field, financially. We also see this in college hockey as well. Lastly, I also believe the NCAA is a poorly run organization that isn't even-handed in the way they deal with member schools. I could see the big schools breaking away from the NCAA and forming their own governing body.
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