Goon's World Extras

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Catching up and moving forward

Stanley Cup, on display at the Hockey Hall of ...
Well the NHL playoffs are over. Finally, we can move forward, the College Hockey season is roughly three months away.  The Stanley Cup Playoffs were exciting and a grind as well.

Moving forward, I close one chapter and open another one. Last September, I was invited to write for the Hockey Writers Combine by the former editor Andrew Eide.  The Hockey Writers Editor Bruce Hollingdrake decided that he no longer wanted to have a number of 'off shoot' sites connected to THW.  I was invited to write for the Hockey Writers and I can now be found here as a lead college hockey writer.  Below are two of my latest submissions. 

I was also invited to write for the Hockey Wilderness by Bryan Reynolds on his way out the door as editor of the Hockey Wilderness …. So, now I will write a weekly college hockey column or two during the regular season as some Wild related stuff.  Currently, during the summer months, every Saturday afternoon have been writing a weekly column that’s published at 2:00 p.m..

This was one of the latest. Stupid Penalties: Two minutes for taking your helmet off during a fight

I have also continued to write for the new hockey blog Get Real Hockey which is owned by Former NHL great Bernie Nicholls. Click to view 

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