Goon's World Extras

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Squirrel Told Me... (RW77)


Well, here's my OPINION:

The End of the Road

Well, our season is at an end.  We did pretty well for 2/3rds of the game before it came crashing down.  I wonder what was ailing Gothberg?  Sadly, I was unable to watch the game so I wonder if it is the D that let us down or goaltending or what?

I know, I know.  There is a silver lining to the loss:  The Haters will have something to do this offseason while the fans that support UND truly lick their wounds and pine about things that could've been.  So, I'll sum it all up.

We gave up a costly 3 on 1 goal.  We didn't clear the front of our net.  We broke down in areas.  We didn't pot our chances or capitolize on Yale's mistakes.  Sure, these infractions came down to simple factors but I'll sum it all up:  FIRE HAKSTOL.

You know that 3 on 1?  It wouldn't have happened if Blais was head coach.  In fact, we'd be the first team with double digit National Championships.  Hell... I don't know if we'd've spent a single season without the NC at the Ralph under Blais with the talent Hak has recruited.

You can't blame execution or bad play on the ice because they are just kids.  Yale is from the ECACHL, dang it!  Since when is it possible for ANY team out east to even be HALF decent?  No, Yale wasn't better than us on this one day (silly facts), it was all Hakstol.

So, yeah.  Fire him.  It'll be gratifying to watch Hak flounder in unemployment for all of 72 hours max.  But hey, at least we'll get Blais back....well, ok, at least that's what the UND fans in Colorado and Washington State are claiming in between bags of Doritos and through a fine blue smoky haze.

Reality Check

We lost.  It SUCKS.  The truth is, I thought last year's team or the year prior had the tools to go far.  This year seemed more of a transitional year.  We never had the consistency we've had in previous years.  I guess that falls partly on Hakstol.  I won't deny that Hak and Co. deserve some of the blame.  But I won't join the haters doing what they love to do.  I love my team and those who truly love their team don't ENDLESSLY bag on them and aren't stuck in the past.

We'll be back.  Gothberg will mature and he'll firmly take over.  Grimaldi will turn into a stud once he gains some consistency.  We will miss Kristo and Knight.  We'll miss the lockerroom presence of Tate.  Andrew MacWilliam?  Well...  I love his style, but... the heavy hitters are being drummed out of hockey so in the coming years UND won't have to worry about the penalties he brings to the table.  Joe?  He's a fan favorite so I won't say anything but what a stud.

I will always trust in Hakstol and always have faith in the knowledge that some day we will make it all the way and win it all.  And I will recognize that, until that happens, Hakstol will be hated upon unreasonably by all these "traditionalist" idiots who pervade fanbases nowadays.  Yeah, flame away.  I don't care.

I'm wrong.  Big whoop.  I'm an idiot.  Doesn't bother me.  I got you to read my opinion and some of you so revved up that you had to respond.  I win. 
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