Goon's World Extras

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Jamal Mayers vs. Raffi Torres

This is one of the things that I like about the NHL. The players sort things out on the ice and settle things like men.

Last season, during the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Raffi Torres steam rolled Marian Hossa with a dirty and dangerous hit. Hossa suffered a concussion and Torres was suspended for 25 games.

Torres appealed the suspension, and the NHL reduced his suspension to 21 games. Torres is now back playing with the Coyotes after serving his long ban.

I guess you could say that we all knew that this day would come, and the first time that the Phoenix Coyotes played the Chicago Blackhawks, Torres would have to answer the bell against the one of the Blackhawks players. The hockey code demanded it. 

 Torres didn't turtle, he answered the bell, and did quite well against Jamal Mayers.

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