Goon's World Extras

Saturday, February 09, 2013

A Brief Recap from Section 104 (RW77)

Hello again, Hockey faithful!

Last night was the indoor game (odd to distinguish two hockey games that way but anyways) for the UND vs. UNO game and I'd like to post my thoughts on the game.

First, disappointment for Real Life.  Due to circumstances that were outside of my control (but within control of students' parents involved... GRRR) I got out of work late so... I missed the first 10 minutes of the game and entered CenturyLink just in time to hear the goal announcement for Rocco's goal.  I was mad I was late to begin with but........

Second, I had awesome seats.  I was thinking it would be like 2 years ago where I was the lone Sioux jersey in a sea of red (stupid UNO ticket office gave me the wrong section).  In truth, I was awash in a sea of green.  Then again, it seemed to me that the UNO crowd comparison between this year and the last time the two teams faced off was quite different.  Seemed to be much less UNO fans than 2 years ago.  There was just under 10,000 in attendance which was interesting to me because the lower bowl looked mostly full.  There was no razzing by UNO or UND fans in my section although there were a lot of young kids and one foul mouthed Sioux fan two rows up from me.  Guess I get sensitive to such things when your normal job is that of an elementary school teacher.

Third, Kristo was good but Rocco was better.  Kristo's game was undoubtedly great (He was named First Star of the game) but I thought Rocco was making great plays all game long.  Honestly, though, the person I expected to notice more was Corbin Knight.  I don't have any stats and I noticed him on the ice, but he, to me, had a rather quiet night.  However, the UND player to me that stood out (bearing in mind I missed the first 10 minutes of the game) was Zane Gothberg.  He came up HUGE all night long in his positioning.  Very solid.  UND's defense took several plays off and got lucky several times (I noticed at least 2 times in the 2nd and 3rd periods where UNO players had open shots between the faceoff circles down low but whiffed on the shots as well as 5-7 wide open shots and a blown 2 on 1).  UND's defense seems more physical on TV than live... if that's even possible.

Fourth, I trust the Turgeon hit as Goon stated to be questionable on TV but live in real time at the arena, it definitely looked like a major.  They didn't show the replay so I just assumed at the time that it was legit.  The officials must have thought it was a bit harsh because I do not recall UND having another PowerPlay the remainder of the game, just 2 bouts of 4 on 4.  I counted 2 interference/tripping noncalls on UNO and 1 on UND throughout the night.  The interference call on Forbort (live without replay) seemed questionable.  Overall, though, I thought Todd Anderson did ok... He kept the major penalty delay down to 10 minutes instead of his usual 20 minutes.  Again, maybe it was being there that tempered my usual rage vs. the stripes.

Fifth, big props to CenturyLink!  They played Gungnam Style a grand total of 0 times while I was in attendance!  I probably missed it.  I'm not crying about it.

Finally, I look forward to today.  It's going to be fun, but cold.  I just hope I can see them playing hockey instead of two differently colored sets of helmets skating back and forth.
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