Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 13, 2012

WCHA no comment on Michigan Tech's Jujhar Khaira penalty

This past week, Ryan Little was given an extra game suspension for his hit on Michigan Tech's Jujhar Khaira, the video of that hit can be seen here. I don’t think many of us have a problem with the extra game suspension, unless maybe you’re a Wisconsin Badger fan.

Player safety should be paramount. Yeah, I am rolling my eyes right now.

What I do have a problem with is the take down move that Khaira put on UW sophomore defenseman Jake McCabe, you can see by the pictures included that this was an egregious and dangerous move and should have warranted at least a five minute major and a game misconduct.  If look at the picture you will notice that the on ice official is looking right at the play.

I do believe that Little’s hit is grounds for a one game suspension, you have a player head hunting an unexpecting player in a vulnerable position that doesn't even appear to be looking at the player that’s bearing down on him. When I first saw this hit, I immediately thought of the Raffi Torres hit on Marian Hossa. The Little hit warrants a suspension in the NHL as well. I don’t think that many of us have a problem with that call.

What I do have a problem with is Khaira’s attempting to remove McCade’s head from the rest of his body and only receiving a two minute minor for holding.  Kind of makes one scratch their head. I have seen on line where some have likened the move to a WWE take-down. 

One question that I have is, did the refs inept response to the Khaira bush league move on Jake McCabe cause Little to take matters into his own hands? 

I asked sent an email to the WCHA’s Doug Spencer and this is the response that I got.


We have no comment at this time. But I passed your note on to the Commissioner & Supervisor and if there is we will let you know asap.


s/t to @CJZERO

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