Goon's World Extras

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Edit: Kristo's sick goal... Video highlights.

Here are the highlights of tonight's game. An amazing goal by Danny Kristo.

Looking at the video again, it looks like UND was finally on the receiving end of a call that should have gone the other way. When I first saw the video on line, it didn't have the angel this video did. It's obvious tonight that UND befitted from a call that should have gone the other way.

If I had to guess, it looks like the ref lost sight of the puck and blew the whistle, like they're supposed to; when actually the puck was not frozen. That being said, UND wins the game when their goalie was their best player. Game two tomorrow night.

s/t to pass it off of the goalie, who had this posted this on Sioux Sports tonight. This goal is a thing of beauty.