Goon's World Extras

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Andrew MacWilliam hit on Ahti Oksanen

This is the video of  UND defenseman Andrew MacWilliam's hit on BU defenseman Ahti Oksanen that earned him a five minute major and a game misconduct. [Click to watch video]

From watching and reviewing the video "it appears to be" a shoulder to shoulder hit, It was in my opinion a very questionable five minute major. Of course if you’re a BU fan you applaud the call, if you are a fan of the team in the green and white, you probably don’t like the call very much.

I think that Oksanen should win an academy award for his performance, because the on ice officials bought it hook, line and sinker. 

Obviously, the hit was late was but there was definitely a late whistle as well – Oksanen actually shot the puck on the UND net after the whistle. Oksanen laid on the ice like he was hurt badly and then some how miraculously recovered on the bench – well enough of course to come back during the five minute power play and score a goal for BU, his first of his career.

Discussion and thoughts? I thought the officials had a tough night and I am glad that UND is moving on from the WCHA where “hopefully” we won’t have to deal with the Shepherds (X3) or Marco Hunt for that matter.