Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spector on NHL: Bettman, you're fired

This blog post is for my good buddy Redwing77 – being a self-professed Gary Bettman hater I am sure that he will like this article by Mark Spector from Sportsnet.CA. I do agree that it’s time for NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman to go and tomorrow wouldn’t be soon enough.
When it comes to the National Hockey League and its incessant lockouts, there are still a couple of questions we've never found the answers to:

Like, how is it that the average NHL salary of $2.4 million sits between Major League Baseball's ($3.4 million) and the National Football League ($1.9 million), when hockey's revenues are nowhere close to those other leagues?

And we're still seeking an answer to why one side of this hockey debate gets 57 per cent of the revenues and doesn't pay any of the bills, while the other side gets the 43 per cent, all of the expenses, and carries the financial risk.

But, there is one thing we are absolutely certain of today, as hockey winds through its third lockout in the past 18 years:

It is time for Gary Bettman to go.

Get this thing squared up, Gary, then call it a day. See Human Resources, sign the papers, and move on with your life.
The only thing that would make it better would be to have Donald Trump to send Bettman his walking papers in the form of a video telling him that he’s fired.
You are not effective anymore, Gary, and the time has come to go in a different direction.

Pack up your things. We'll be in contact.

You're fired.
Like I have said in the past, any counter proposal that the NHLPA puts forward to the NHL Owners should include a proposal to have Bettman removed from his position as Commissioner of the NHL. Nothing good can come from Bettman remaining in the Commissioner's position. I also think that by Bettman being removed as Commissioner of the NHL would go a long way in healing the hurt feeling between both sides. It would also be interesting to know how many of the owners feel this way about Bettman who has become a very polerizing figure in the NHL.