Goon's World Extras

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Is there an end to the lockout in sight?

Yesterday, I was at home reading through twitter and this story piqued my attention and it got me thinking is one side starting to cave? Take it even further – are both side finally softening and coming to the realization that they can’t get an agreement if there isn’t any negotiating?
The Canadian Press --- The NHL and NHL Players’ Association quietly resumed contract talks Friday, one day after cancelling the first two weeks of the regular season.

Commissioner Gary Bettman and deputy commissioner Bill Daly travelled to Toronto on Friday and sat down with Donald Fehr, executive director of the NHL Players’ Association, and union special counsel Steve Fehr. Daly confirmed the meeting was held, but offered no further comment.

The sides are expected to touch base by phone over the weekend and set up another negotiating session next week.

The NHL lockout is heading into its fourth week and the first 82 regular-season games have been scratched from the schedule. In announcing those cancellations on Thursday, the league offered a conciliatory note to fans frustrated by the sport’s fourth work stoppage in 20 years
I know it takes two sides in a negotiation but having Gary Bettman represent the NHL owners doesn’t nothing for either side – I find him to be a very polarizing figure and If I was an Influential  NHL owner I would consider giving him his walking papers as a piece offering to the NHL fans and players.

When it’s all said and done – Bettman legacy is going to go down in history as being the Lockout commissioner.