Goon's World Extras

Friday, August 17, 2012

Rangers, Michigan Daily Reach Settlement

It looks like the Michigan Daily has finally succumbed to the pressure and taken their famous story down. [Link to the Story]
Steve Bienkowski, Chief Operating Officer of the Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club, has released the following statement regarding the organization’s settlement with the Michigan Daily newspaper.

“The Michigan Daily has removed the article that caused the Kitchener Rangers to commence legal proceedings against the newspaper and the reporter, Matt Slovin. As they have acceded to what was from the outset the Kitchener Rangers’ primary demand, we are discontinuing the legal proceedings as against the newspaper and Mr. Slovin.

The Kitchener Rangers remain gravely concerned about the ease with which a source hiding behind the cloak of anonymity was able to spread the false allegation that our organization offered Jacob Trouba financial compensation.

We are not discontinuing the action against the anonymous source. Although truth would be a complete defence to the libel action, we fully expect that the source will not have the courage to step forward, as there is not a shred of truth to the allegation, as the Ontario Hockey League investigation has now confirmed.

It is unfortunate that there are individuals so intent on harming our organization that they would fabricate and disseminate harmful lies. It is particularly unfortunate that they chose to implicate Jacob Trouba and his family, who should not have had to answer to the baseless allegation.”
It would have been interesting to see what a hockey team in a foreign country could have actually done against the University of Michigan newspaper and or Matt Slovin – I can’t imagine that a foreign countries court (CANADA) could levy a criminal sanction decision that would have much for teeth in it.

Hey kudos to Matt Slovin for not caving earlier and the story was actually up for a month plus before the took the article down. In my opinion, this still looks like the bully boys from the Kitchener Rangers of the OHL bullying a student newspaper.

EDIT: The Michgian Daily has a clarification on its webpage. [Click to link]
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