Goon's World Extras

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why should we care if the NCHC doesn't have a web page yet?

First off, it's true if you click on the link for the NCHC there will "not" be a web page for the NCHC. Second, can someone give me the link to the B1G hockey page.... [Crickets Chirping] So it’s one year plus before the NCHC kicks off – someone who hates everything that is the NCHC hockey – seems to think it’s important that the NCHC has a webpage/home page. Really! Are you kidding me? First off webpages don’t make a hockey conference that hasn’t even begun play yet.

Also, don't believe the hype by some of the self appointed experts that say that the NCHC doesn't have any name recognition and or appeal... The NCHC is going to be a power conference whether some want to acknowledge it or not.  

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