Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So is Montana next?

You have to wonder if the University of Montana is next? While the situation at the University of Montana isn't quite as bad as the issues at Penn State - the situation is not good either - let's not forget that the NCAA did set a precedent with Penn State University.

Montana is sitting out there with some serious allegations of criminal wrong doing. I don't know if I would like to be their athletic director right now. In fact he might be just a little bit worried; I wouldn't want to be an administrator on  a campus that had the attention of the NCAA right now. 
Gwen Floario, --- “The NCAA just can’t look only at Penn State if they take this leap,” said Ridpath, author of “Tainted Glory: Marshall University, the NCAA, and One Man’s Fight for Justice.”

The NCAA has not said what brought its investigators to UM. But the school also is under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department for how it handles reports of rape and sexual assault, and the U.S. Department of Education has its own investigation into allegations of harassment by members of the football team.

UM President Royce Engstrom said Monday he hasn’t heard from the NCAA since the organization notified him Jan. 30 of its investigation into unspecified allegations. At that point, the NCAA said such investigations usually take about six months.

“I don’t know how strictly they adhere to those timelines they set for themselves,” Engstrom said. “I think until we hear from the NCAA we are just going to go about improving things the way that I’ve discussed throughout this.”


When the alleged gang rapes at UM originally came to light in December, then-Vice President Jim Foley described them as “date rapes” and later, in an email obtained in a joint FOIA request by the Missoulian and the Wall Street Journal, complained about media accounts that didn’t use his preferred term. In another email, he questioned whether a victim who had spoken publicly about her ordeal had violated the Student Code of Conduct.

Engstrom announced last month that Foley had resigned as vice president, although he will retain his university job and nearly $126,000 salary through the end of his contract in June 2013.
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