Goon's World Extras

Monday, July 16, 2012

No NHL Hockey this season?

Original NHL logo, used until 2005. A version ...
Could the NHL once again stand for the No Hockey League? It appears that that might be the case.

Apparently, Joe Yerdon of Pro Hockey Talk is saying that a source close to the situation, said that a lost season could very well be a possibility.

That is definitely a dooms day scenario - me personally - I am going to remain hopeful, because it's very early in the negotiation process and the CBA doesn't even expire until the 15th of September.

Like Redwing77 said, it's early in the negotiations and no need to panic just yet. Hopefully this is just someone throwing this out there with the hopes that something sticks.
In fact, one source with knowledge of the players’ side of the negotiation is predicting not just a work stoppage, but an entire lost season.

“Last time around, the NHL made its salary cap proposal and barely moved off it,” the source, speaking under the condition of anonymity, told PHT. “This is not an initial proposal. The league is shutting down and it’s ‘come back when you’re ready to accept.’

“This is exactly what happened last time. You heard it here first, we will not play next year.”
After reading this post - I remain skeptical because I have yet to see anyone else pick up on this story, yet. Don't get me wrong, while I think it's very possible that there could be a season long work stoppage - I also can't believe that someone would utter this so early in the game - again Donald Fehr is yet to make a counter proposal. Let's see where the players what the players come up with.

Also, a labor stoppage for a whole season would be devastating to the NHL.

I watch Hockey 24/7 and I can’t fathom another work stoppage in the NHL that would take out the whole season. The 2004-05 season was a miserable time in my life and the lockout left a hole in many NHL fans hearts.

If the owners killed a whole season - it will be because of their own greed. Sure some teams might not come back after the work stoppage. But after a season where they made a record 3.3 billion dollars I have a hard time feeling sorry for them, especially after the latest free agent signing.
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