Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cory Schneider, 'we’re not panicking right now'

This is what former Boston College Eagle All-American goalie Cory Schneider had to say about the current CBA negotiations. Schneider is part of the 30+ members of the players' bargaining committee.Things haven't changed Cory is still cool as a cucumber.
“I think the only thing I can say is it’s a first offer,” Schneider told Papp via phone from his offseason home near Boston. “It’s a starting point. We’re going to consider it and figure out what our counter-proposal is going to be. Yes, it is a little shocking when you first look at it but, again, that’s how negotiations work. You aim high and then try to move back from there.

“There is going to have to be a lot of give and take for us to come to an agreement. So we’re not too worried and we’re not panicking right now. We’re just going to take it one meeting at a time.”

Schneider added that it was far too early to assume another lockout was inevitable based on the league’s first proposal, with training camps not slated to open for another two months and the regular season almost three months away. “There is still plenty of time,” he remarked. “I mean, we’re not thinking in those terms yet. I think we’re both trying to get a deal done here, but it takes time and it takes negotiations.” [Elliot Pap, Vancouver Sun]
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