Goon's World Extras

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pen's Sidney Crosby to get 10 year deal

The NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman is probably doing cartwheels knowing that one of his favorite players is now locked up with a long term deal with his favorite hockey team, it probably also means that the NHL on NBCSN will be all Penguins all of the time. Personally, I think this contract is a bit of a risk – based on Crosby’s concussion issues.
Austin Pollack, NESN --- Sidney Crosby has been one of hockey’s most exciting players since he entered the league as the first overall pick in the 2005 NHL Draft. At the same time, he’s been the face of the Pittsburgh Penguins franchise.

It looks like Penguins fans have their man for another decade. Crosby is expected to get a 10-year, $90 million con tract extension, according to He is lined up to be an unrestricted free agent at the end of next season.
I also wonder, how many of these signing we will see before the current CBA expires? There seems to be a feeling that the NHL is going to definitely have another work stoppage this season. Under the current CBA, the NHL Players currently are taking 57% of the revenues. The NHL owners want a 50-50 split agreement and the players don’t seem to be in a hurry to take another pay cut like they did seven years ago after the 2004-05 lockout so there is a good chance that we could see a second lockout in the last seven years.
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