Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

NCHC - "very specific discussions" on ice quality

One of the “major” concerns for NCHC fans about the conference signing a five year deal with the Target Center in Minneapolis for the NCHC tourney has been ice conditions  – historically the Target Center has had the propensity to have very bad ice – which is a buzz kill in hockey.  You can't skate on slush very well.

More specifically the WCHA held the Final Five at the Target Center during the 1998-99 and 1999-00 seasons and the ice condition was really poor, also there are some bad sight lines as well for hockey because the Target Center is a basketball only arena for the most part – hockey is not played on a regular basis at the Target Center.
Eric Stromgren/CHN Writer --- The Target Center has been criticized as a hockey venue from ice quality to fan sight lines, something officials addressed in the press conference and with the media afterword.

Scherr said there have been "very specific discussions" on ice quality.

Mattson has worked at the Target Center since the building opened and said past problems could be attributed to quick turnaround times required from the staff. Ice before the state high school tournaments in 1999 and 2000 were put in a few days before the tournament, Mattson recalled.

"We know we've got to get it made earlier, give it a proper amount of time to get it ready, get it skated on and get it roughed up — that's a challenge we're up for," Mattson said.

Mattson said ice will likely be made in mid-February to avoid potential problems and the Timberwolves would play above the ice with the court placed on a "deck."
I have seen it mentioned in a couple of newspapers that the NCHC has a opt out clause with the Target Center if the conference is not happy with the Target Center but I have yet to see it mentioned in the latest press releases that I have received from the NCHC.
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