Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

North Dakota Voters let UND retire Fighting Sioux nickname

University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux athl...
University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux athletic logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The  people of the State of North Dakota voted today to retire the Fighting Sioux nickname - this is a bitter sweet day for many of us who love the Fighting Sioux nickname and the logo - but as you can tell by the election results that  most recognize that the cost of keeping the Fighting Sioux name is too great and will  great harm to the University of North Dakota eventually.

First off, I it was very hard for me to vote yes on measure 4 because I do not believe that the Fighting Sioux nickname is racist or hostile and abusive.

That being said, the NCAA has UND over a barrel and they hold all of the cards because the NCAA writes the rules and controls college athletics - UND can play by those rules or the University or face NCAA Sanctions (as it currently is). One final options is that UND can go join another governing body - the option is not feasible.

I like many think that the NCAA is an out of control organization that needs to be reeled in because they have over stepped their bounds and put there nose where it doesn't belong.  None the less, lets not forget that the North Dakota State Attorney General signed a settlement agreement with the NCAA and UND is expected to abide by that settlement agreement.

Contrary to Majority Leader Al Carlson's delusions of grandeur, the NCAA wasn't going to bend and they have pointed to the Settlement Agreement time and time again.  The good people of Sioux county have finally weighed in on the issue and have voted to retire the Fighting Sioux nickname. That in it's self doesn't make sense since 1000+ people from the Standing Rock Tribe signed the petitions to bring measure 4 to a voted.

But I digress.

If UND had retained the Fighting Sioux nickname our sports teams would not be able to play the University of Minnesota, the University of Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota State and possibly the other school North Dakota State University during the regular season play because of the Fighting Sioux logo.

While playing Iowa might not seem like that big of a deal to some fans, not being able to play the Badgers and the Gophers in any sport is a big deal and would end up proving costly for the University of North Dakota in the end. Who doesn't want to see UND beat Wisconsin and Minnesota whenever we get a chance.

In my opinion this is a sad day me and it has been an emotional roller coaster - I love the Fighting Sioux nickname and it's one of the best logos and nicknames in all of college sport, nothing we replace the nickname will ever be as good as the Fighting Sioux nickname. I will wear my Sioux logos with pride until they wear out. 

Rob Port of Sayanything blog had this to say of the vote.
It was a valiant fight, but it’s time for the Sioux nickname to go. Barring a vote on the Standing Rock reservation, or the Spirit Lake Sioux getting the NCAA to back down with their lawsuit, the people of North Dakota have spoken. It’s time for the name to go.

Statement from UND President Robert Kelley About Vote on Measure 4

We are appreciative that voters took the time to listen and to understand the issues and the importance of allowing the University to move forward. We also understand how deeply this has affected all of us.

Tuesday's vote allows us to focus our attention on our students as we continue to build exceptional programs in all areas of the University. We appreciate the support that has been expressed for the University of North Dakota over the past several weeks, and especially for UND Athletics. It is support that will continue to be important as we build a great future for the University and for UND Athletics.

We will continue to work with the State Board of Higher Education, the North Dakota University System, and the leadership in athletics as we move forward.
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