Goon's World Extras

Monday, May 14, 2012

Time for the Hawks to flush Kane

Dead Spin Photo
It would appear that Blackhawks forward Patrick Kane needs to grow up and start acting like an adult and not a punk. Also, maybe Kane could learn a think or two from his fellow teammate Jonathan Toews on how to behave in public and not some spoiled brat.
Chris Kuc, Tribune reporter --- After a subpar postseason series against the Coyotes during which he had four assists in the six-game loss and was off the ice in the final minutes of Game 6 following a misconduct penalty for, as Kane put it, "just kind of slashing (Coyotes) like Paul Bunyan out there," the offseason arrived.

Not more than a few weeks into it, photos of an allegedly intoxicated Kane attending the Mifflin Street Block Party on Cinco de Mayo in Madison, Wis., were published on They showed Kane cavorting with college students, apparently passed out at a bar and, in one, appearing to walk away while talking with a police officer.

At first, it fueled more head-shaking and "that's just Kaner being Kaner" thoughts. Things suddenly got much more serious when the website began quoting anonymous sources alleging Kane choked a woman before being thrown out of a party and also hurled an anti-semitic slur during another altercation.
Personally, if I was the general manager of the Chicago Blackhawks I would trade this punk and get rid of the distraction that comes with this clown, while Kane had a down season last year, the GM could still try to get a decent replacement that comes with less baggage than Kane.

This isn’t the first incident with Kane; he was arrested in 2009 for roughing up a Buffalo Cab driver when the cab driver didn’t have the correct change. Kane and his punk cousin James ended up beating up cabbie over 20 cents, no that’s not a misprint, he assaulted someone over 20 cent’s. It’s not like 20 cents was going to break him, he is rich from playing a kids game.

Most normal people can fathom beating up a cab driver over a minuscule amount like that – most normal people would have also landed in jail for an assault like that because most of us don’t the ability to buy an expensive defense team like Kane can. Seriously! Maybe Kane should learn to control his anger and stop acting like a spoiled entitlement kid; if I was in the Blackhawks front office I would put this punk on double secret probation and would cut him the next time he gets out of line and embarrasses the Blackhawks organization. There is no way you can excuse this type of behavior and I haven’t seen anyone doing so, yet.
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