Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The War of word Continues - Bruins vs. Capitals

Claude Julien on the Boston Bruins bench
Claude Julien on the Boston Bruins bench (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Its been real fun to watch these two coaches try to out dual each other in the war of words. Here is Boston's responses to some of the charges that the Capitals head coach levied against the Boston Bruins. You can tell that the Bruins have gotten under the Capitals skin.
Howard Fendrich, The Associated Press --- Then again, the strongest statements of all came from Boston coach Claude Julien, who was asked to respond to Hunter's comments. "That doesn't make sense. I don't know any coach that would tell his team to go after somebody's head," Julien said. "It's ludicrous; it's ridiculous. OK?"

Julien then referred to Backstrom's stick-in-the-face match penalty as the third cross-check by the Capitals during the series, and added: "But we're not whining about the referees and what's going on here. We need to win a game and we need to win a series and that's where our focus is on. That's what it should be."

Asked about the targeting charge, Bruins forward Milan Lucic said: "Just because a guy's injured doesn't mean you go out of your way to re-injure him, but you don't go out of your way to be light on him. You still have to play against him like you would any other player."
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